Dear Friends of Sierra Leone Adolescent Girls Network,
Happy International Day of the Girl! We hope this message finds you well! This letter intends to offer an understanding of how your generosity has helped create invaluable advancement within our mission to help the girls of Sierra Leone who have been particularly impacted by Ebola. Your support and encouragement this year has allowed us to not only get in front of the Ebola crisis but also begin to plan forward action in the recovery and resilience of our network communities. The investments in this network are setting the stage for long-term recovery and resilience.
We would first like to announce that we have officially become our own official 501(c)(3), a registered not-for-profit in New York state known as the “Friends of Sierra Leone Adolescent Girls Network” or “FoSLAGN” for short. Obtaining this status was an important step. This designation now allows us to receive critical tax-deductible financial support directly into the mission fund so that our on-the-ground efforts can be executed efficiently and nimbly. This also means any of your previous and future donations are tax deductible. Thank you for your patience and willingness to support us as we grow to support the network.
As we move forward we have already begun to execute a national, action-centered, community-level intervention plan to the most vulnerable girls within our network. This critical plan helps to build social, cognitive, economic and health assets to address new and existing challenges facing the most excluded girls. It also uses technologies and draws on the varied experiences and expertise of our global partners. Our shared vision and consensus not only creates safe space for girls to go learn today, but encourages intentional economic interaction to support their future dreams.
Currently, there are over 240 active girl platforms (see map below) ready to grow, and this is just a start with a vision of 1,000 platforms across Sierra Leone. We are getting there. As part of our mission we aim to specifically address the need for protective and productive technologies and as such, we have procured 120 solar powered lanterns which will not only provide light but will also charge mobile phones to strengthen social networks and enhance communication abilities.
Each dot on the map represents a girl platform, or meeting space, run by network organizations. With over 240 platforms now active, our goal is to create 1,000 in the near future.
As some of you may have heard, Sierra Leone, particularly the Freetown area, has experienced significant flooding resulting in the displacement of thousands of people and over 10 deaths. As of last week over 9,000 people were sheltering in two large sports arenas. It goes without saying this event has created an environment which layered an extra burden on a community that is recovering from Ebola with displacement from homes, a highly dense mass sheltering environment, and a rising concern of Cholera and of course a potential for Ebola to resurface. Watch the video below to understand some of the on-the ground impacts of the flooding.
This short film captures the devastating flood that took place in the Sierra Leone's capital Freetown on the 16th of September 2015. Directed by Idriss Kpange and Ernest Henry and produced by Concept Multimedia Sierra Leone. Please Share after watching
The flooding has created a situation which fits perfectly within the mission of FoSLAGN and we are currently exploring a plan to mount a response to address the needs of adolescent girls who are currently living in shelters. We will keep you informed as this plan develops.
We look forward to seeing you on October 29th, 2015 from 11AM-12PM. Thank you again. This truly has been an inspirational year.
The FoSLAGN Board